'Make a Wish Day' at Pustak

Swiss pie and We Volunteer conducted a make a wish day on 18th october thursday at Pustak school in Sector25. The aim was simple: to bring out the wishes in those kids, which have many, yet are buried deep down within them for want of resources. And it is for this cause, of helping those which we can, this "make a Wish day" was celebrated.

Around 50 kidz along with 30 volunteers were asked to draw their dreams of what they aspire to be when they grow up on a drawing sheet,the volunteers helped them with the drawings and on the back of it mention their Diwali wishes or gifts they wanted to be fulfilled. Some of them wanted to be doctors some teachers or policemen. Their wishes were also simple like some kids want books others bag,bat,earrings and such stuff.After which was a cake party celebrating everyone's birthday on 1 day. All sang together happy birthday to all.To see the joy in the kids eyes was truly awesome.

The object was not only to cut a cake, but to provide the kids a celebration of their own in this festive season, as also bring out the true wants and desires.


Anonymous said...

I'm sure must have been a wonderful time sharing different dreams and wishes!wat a way to start the festive season!!
Kudos to all the volunteers :)
great going guyzzz
