Yuva Parliament III

By Aurodeepa Rath

This time Yuva Parliament (3rd session) … it simply rocked!!…. With a strong issue like 'eve-teasing' … all kudos to my sweet dudes n dudettes of we volunteer. No wonder the session dwelled well under the presence of APA Shergill and IPS Madhur Verma.. So no doubt it felt 'empowered'…
There are 2 major concerns that attracted my attention

1] people don know bout what all kinda social harassment is punishable by law.. (considerin eve-tesin as one of them).. They don know when their right of livin free n independent starts getting violated due to uncivilized creatures (unfortunately) walking along with them… [guys… v can work on it.. Pehel!]
2] and secondly… for guys.. "Sajjanon, Live n Let Live".. We gotta create a good environment that is conducive of healthy living.. Where's that sense of equality amongst the two genders of the society. [ki karen… kutten(in punjabi) kanjaran nu..] but the idea of deglamourizin the culprits thru posters… can work out big time.
……….. Let's get out of this attitude of first 'shrug' and then 'sulk'..
Ok… back to my darling team… muah muah n community hugs!! Well done! Great job… n KEEP IT UP... :)

By Neha Chugh

Manwa mein mere aandhi hai udi aur stabadh khadi hun main,,saanson mein bbandh apni he saans nishabad khadi hun main!duniya se jeeti jeeti ,,khud se haari basdwasth khadi hun main..aaina main aur aks main,madmast khadi hun main,meri laaj bhi main-chunar bhi main,,chunar pe daag bhi main...................

krish contributed these lines,,i heard them 4m his cell and found them awsum,telling the reality of the women,,being in 21st century still she has to suffer a lot,her self respect does not matters where as the self respect of a man is of utmost importance for him..a woman is teased whr ever she goes,,no matters wtever she wears,,she is no whr secure..always seen as a object for amusement by men,,is this the life of a women..
i ask u this QUESTION-Is this the life of a woman?
yuva parliament III ,,chose this issue 'Eve Teasing'
and man it rocked..we were successful in atleat making people aware
about the laws related to it,the true status of woman in the society..she also has a dignity,self respect,and not an object to entertain others,nt a peice to be teased at,,
the team of We Volunteer was successful,and now is workin 4ward to start the project like dat of Blank Noise,,presentations for school children,,self help classes for girls,,to tell them to how to tackle the road side ROMIOS,,nd commentators..

CHEERS!!! to the team of We Volunteer..especially our President..and thank you to all the alumni members for their Wishes..
keep up the good work

Thanx to- krish 'fish'

