We Volunteer's 'First' Anniversary Celebrations...13 Jan 08

O! Bonfire O! Bonfire!.. Let the flames of thy bring prosperity in the world...warmth to the homeless and those little souls. Let the pious thee, bring together the atomized we.

Lohri, as you know is one the very important festivals in North India.
Celebrating the 1st Anniversary of We Volunteer,

Let's celebrate Lohri with the grandpa's and grandma's at the Old Age Home at Sector 15, Chandigarh at 3 pm on 13th Jan.

No riches, no bugles.
no trumpets, no cars....what they need is time...and we have ample of hours...

Join us at the event and show that today's youth partys' hard but for good cause too...

call Nipun
(Event Co-ordinator), 9888469076 or email at wevolunteer.chd@gmail.com..