Health Checkup Camp............Healthy India, Stronger India

Look to your health; and if you have it, praise God, and value it next to a good conscience; for health is the second blessing that we mortals are capable of; a blessing that money cannot buy.

Slowly and steadily, the Guardian of Angels project is moving at it’s pace with some more volunteers adopting the little angels; Raj Kishore, Rajeev and Shikha to name the new guardians in the project.

We Volunteer held a “Health Checkup Camp” for the little angels today at our Office.
The kids present at the camp were Najakat Ali, Abdul, Muskan, Shabnam (younger), Rubeena, Sapna, Shamsher Ali, Chanda, Sabeena, Neena, Shabnam(elder), Sher khan:)

There were more kids expected from an another sector but due to some unavoidable reasons, they could not accompany us to the office for the camp.
Anyways, alls well that goes well and ends well………as much clichéd as it seems :)

The kids were ferried to the office at around 10:00 AM. Meanwhile, Dr. Vineet, who was supposed to examine the kids, was already ensconced in the office….accompanied by a make-shift nurse (Kaval) :)

The kids were let loose in the park at a stones throw from our office. It is an amazing phenomenon that wherever the kids see a park with some swings and sea-saw, they go berserk. And to no surprise, the same happened here aswell. Most of them climbing from all sides upon the sea-saw; some on the seats, some on the bars, and the very little ones hanging in mid air clinging to the bars. The Sea-Saw looked more like branch of a tree with birds chirping over it. Abdul, as always, was smiling all the way - hopping from one place to another. Dr. Vineet called the children one by one into the office for the health examination. Meanwhile, we played a few games with the children. I don’t know how to translate the names of those games into English. But I’ll tell you what we played and you can make out yourself. Game I – all the children were made to sit in a big circle and one of the players has to go around the circumference of the circle and drop the handkerchief behind a sitting player and that player has to get up, carry the cloth and catch the previous player while he/she is still running. If the previous player sits, the second player has to perform the same thing. GAME II – Dog and the bone….if you understand this then fine enough….else forget it…I am bored explaining so meticulously :)

Everybody had a gala time in the field, with the volunteers joining that circle wali game aswell. By noon all the kids were examined by the doctor and were prescribed some medicines. None of them had any grave health problem. Just the usual calcium ki kamii and lack of vitamins….I bet all the volunteers have the same:).

Only the little Chanda had some chest problem…was referred an X-Ray………
Guardian..Please note

One funny thing happened……:)
We had distributed them biscuits just before the Health Examination was about to start. So when the first kid went to Dr. Vineet, he asked the kid to open his mouth to do some oral checkup.
Dr. – Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa karoooo
Kid – aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaa…..and all the biscuits he was eating earlier was still in his mouth………….

Later the kids were given sugarcane juice and bananas. The event went pretty well..and without any interruption. After the event, Preet presided over a meeting with volunteers for some feedbacks and updates over the We Volunteer.

Nice cute event I would say:)

Volunteers at the Event:
Preet, Karan,Kaval,Ankush,Raj Kishore, Rajeev, Sudheesh, Kanupriya, William, Ravi(first timer)

Sincere thanks to Dr. Vineet
We Initiate..............Do You????


Preet said...

The event turned out to be much more fun then what i'd originally thought!
Its good to see more & more people comin up n takin the initiative !:)

Drumbeatsofeden said...

i had a real gud time people. and the best reward for me was the applause that the sweet bacchus gave me in d park!!:)


Ankush said...

@ Preet

Yeh i agree....the event went pretty well:)

wait on....there are more in the pipeline............."Management":)

@Dr Vineet

Yeh Doctor saab....your effort is certainly praiseworthy....
and i kowtow to a doctor's patience
